lunedì 27 ottobre 2014

Dopo tanto tempo, un lavor finito! Finally a happy dance!

Dopo continue e pressanti lamentele da parte di mio marito di avere un lavoro finalmente finito e da appendere, avevo deciso di cominciarne uno da poter finire nel minor tempo possibile, ed ecco qua:
Following many pressing complains from my husband regarding finally having a finish to hang to the wall, I had decided to start something to finish as fast as possible, and here it is:

Volevo portarlo subito ad incorniciare ma ho scoperto con orrore che la griglia che avevo fatto ad
inchiostro potrebbe essere visibile, quindi stasera provero` a toglierla e poi via subito ad incorniciarla!
I wanted to take it tio be framed right away but to my orrifide surprise I noticed that the grid I made on the side could be visible, so tonight I'll try to get it off and then out it goes to be framed!

Vorrei tornare subito alla mia adorata "Teamakers Daughter" ma ho deciso per adesso di procedere in questo modo: i miei lavori cominciati in ordine di grandezza sono: la "Romantic Stitcher", la "Teamakers Daughter" e "Cherished Moments", quindi li ricamero` in quest'ordine ed esclusivamente (o almeno ci provero`) cosi` da avere qualcos'altro da appendere  al muro prima che lavorando a rotazione.  E` questo il brutto di questi lavori grandi e lavorandone piu` di uno alla volta, che ci vuol tempo per finirli, e per chi di tempo da dedicare al ricamo non ne ha molto diventa difficile avere qualcosa da vedere finito e appeso al muro ed ogni volta che ci si passa davanti pensare: "questo l'ho fatto io!!!!"... o almeno cosi` faccio io!
I'd love to go straight back to my beloved "Teamakers Daughter" but for now I have decided to proceed this way: my WIP  in order of size are : the "Romantic Stitcher", the "Teamakers Daughter" and "Cherished Moments", so I will stitch them in this order and exclusively (or at least I'l try) to have something to hang to the wall faster than using a rotation.  This is the bad part of these big projects and on working on more than one at the time, it takes time to finish them, and for those that have little time to devote to stitching it becomes hard to have something finished and hung on the wall and to think everytime you cross it: "I did it"... or at least that's what I do!

6 commenti:

  1. Thank you!
    Went to check your blog out, I love it!
    Big kiss to your lovely baby girl and a caress for your furry friends,

  2. Looks very nice! Congrats on the finish!

  3. Ciao! New follower here. Love the finish and I've been poking through your past posts. You've got some wonderful WIPs and past finishes! Can't wait to see what else you do.

  4. What else? I am trying not to start something else, but I have a couple of other charts kitted up that are calling my name non-stop, but they too are big projects and cannot stand to know it will take years to see a finish, so, unless it is something relatively small, I will try to resist the urge!
    Thank you for your visit and your comment!
